How to check hospital beds for COVID-19 patients in Telangana, & Andhra Pradesh?

 How to check hospital beds for COVID-19 patients in Telangana, & Andhra Pradesh?

After new update of Corona Virus(COVID-19 2.o) in April 2021, highest cases are being noticed.

So, to get the information of the beds availability in the nearby hospitals in two Telugu states Telangana & Andhra Pradesh, there are two government websites available.

 For Telangana:

Department of Health, Medical & Family Welfare of Telangana Government made a list of the information about the availability of beds in the hospitals and phone numbers. Total there are 13,921 government hospital beds & 33,647 private hospital beds are available.

Click Here, to their official website.

For Andhra Pradesh:

Department of Health, Medical & Family Welfare of Andhra Pradesh Government made a list of the information about the availability of beds in the hospitals and phone numbers. Total there are 11,469     beds are available.

Click Here, to their official website.

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