Lockdown in India?

 Day to day heavy growth in covid-19 cases had erupted as  big problem in India. Since the rise in very huge our medical system can't manage this problem and it is so close to collapse. Due to high case growth it became hard to manage the patients and the oxygen supply. In some worse conditions beds are not available in some hospitals. The situation in degrading day by day.

Due to high growth of cases and less available of oxygen and beds many states in India had started a curfew and few states implemented complete lockdown like Maharashtra, karnataka and Delhi which extended lockdown for more one week. In this situation government declared free ration for 2 months for May and June and this raised a doubt that government is planning for lockdown from May 1 all over India. And many fake news were circulating about lockdown from May 1st. If this rise continues there may be a lockdown if one day cases reach 400K.

This tsunami of covid-19 cases continues for a month then India will be the most effected country in the world due to covid-19. Due to this situation many people started helping the patient with oxygen cylinder . Many countries are also started helping India with oxygen supply and oxygen cylinder and oxygen tanks supply. And also America accepted the request to send the raw materials to India. 

Will lockdown help India 

For this question the answer is "No". A complete lockdown can harm more then covid because due to lockdown Indian economy will come in to heavy pressure and harm the country a lot ever the covid-19 cases won't be reduced the main examples are Maharashtra and Delhi. Even after lockdown Delhi and Maharashtra don't have any huge change in new covid cases and deaths.  Even in Delhi the deaths hit the new record. Lockdown only gives time to slow down it can't be the answer for covid-19 situation. Even due to migrant workers move to villages due to no work this even cause spread in the villages and which is more deadly. 

Lockdown can't be the solution. Massive vaccination and micro containment zones can help us to overcome the problem. More over wearing mask and social distance can make a huge change in this situation. 

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