World's first human case of H10N3 found in China

 Is that a coincidence or China is doing something behind the world is a main question because time to time so many new viruses are evolving from China first Covid-19 virus and now the H10N3 virus which creates a doubt about China is doing something in their labs.

China National Health Commission (NHC) said a 41 year old man in nation's eastern province of Jiangsu has been confirmed as the first human case of infection with H10N3 strain of birds flu . They also said that the virus is LAP low pathogenic avian influenza

Mostly bird flu is not so dangerous to humans there are many types of avian influenza virus but only some are caused harm to humans they are H5N1,H7N7H7N3. These are the few which can even transmit to humans and cause harm to humans. 

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